Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Some of the writers & editors of music & entertainment sources have weighed in on Lil' Kim & how she is just trying to hard to live up to her name as Queen B. I must admit that all of these writers made some very good points about Kim's career & how it was a bad idea for her to sell her new mixtape "Black Friday". She is truly milking this Nicki Minaj beef for all it is worth.

Read the statements after the jump.

“I think it is safe say to Lil Kim answered the question if Botox causes brain damage or not,” says Trent Clark, Managing Editor of The Smoking Section. “She's been out of jail for over five years and while she was busy keeping up with the Jones' mannequin, she failed to realize the game has changed. No one is going to (or should be willing to) pay for a tape featuring her taking shots at Nicki Minaj over beats that were around when people bought CD singles.”

“Lil' Kim is catching a whole lot of flack for Black Friday,” says Kazeem Famuyide, Online Editor/Staff Writer at The Source Magazine. “I know it's a dated name, I know I haven't liked anything that has come out from her in almost seven years, but I don't think it’s THAT crazy as far as appealing to her hardcore fan base. You really can't tell anything to Kim stans. According to them, Lil' Kim is the messiah and they will support her through everything she's been through. If you tell her fans to pay 10 dollars for a mixtape through PayPal and she will autograph it, those fans will do it.”

“Lil Kim obviously hasn't been studying the modern day music consumer,” says Jozen Cummings, Digital Content Director of XXL Magazine. “It's not that we refuse to pay for music, we'd just much rather have an option to not do it. If you force any price tag on us without giving us a decent amount of free music to sample from, we're scoffing at that $9.99. Her charging her fans (who I might add are the only people who will probably buy the project) just further proves how out of touch she is with everything.”

“Lil Kim really needs to fire the people around her,” says Karen Civil of KarenCivil.com. “She is beyond delusional, the choices she’s making to get her ‘comeback’ going isn't working. She needs to spend less time worrying about Nicki and more time finding a ghostwriter to get her hot again. She hasn’t released anything relevant or hot in the last few years, so the nerve of this chick to try and charge people $9.99 for her mixtape. If I wanted to buy a whole mixtape about Nicki Minaj I would just buy the Pink Friday LP again.”

Source: RapFix (Mtv)

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